Ready to reach your highest potential and live the thrive-life you were born for?
You’ve come to the right place.

Unlock the keys to your dream future
in 30 minutes
Get my "Manifest Your Dream Life Creation Experience" meditation now for FREE!
Let me guess...
You’ve done a lot of personal development and healing work.
You've read the books, went to the events and retreats, tried the manifestation courses…
But something just hasn’t fully clicked and you still feel stuck.
You're tired of working so hard, doing all the right things and still feeling like you
know there could be more.
You want to feel powerful, alive, successful, and WILDLY FREE.
You want to express yourself fully with no inhibitions.
…But you don’t quite know how or what’s stopping you.
You are not alone. I’ve been there.
Hi, I'm
My mission is to teach you how to effortlessly magnetize the reality you desire.
I’m here to show you that there is another way that you didn’t learn in school, that doesn’t involve working really hard, the word “should” or “have to”, hustling or trading your happiness for a goal.
We live in a broken system that teaches us to focus on external accolades and tells us to trade our happiness in the now-moment for a promise of happiness later at a distant point in the future.
I'm here to disrupt that entire paradigm.
No more hiding and toning yourself down because people said you were too much or not enough.
Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, my love. You are ENOUGH and it is time for you to unlock the doors to the abundance, joy, love, and prosperity you deserve.
Let me be your invitation to become radically self-liberated so you can be the master creator of your reality and literally fall in love with your life.
My method works 100% all the time. If you're ready to turn the page on your next chapter, I can't wait to connect with you.

The Truth Is…
There is no shortage of overnight gurus, coaches, and manifest-everything-overnight programs out there.
The problem is most of what's out there is missing the key components that are based in science and are the actual keys to long-lasting transformation.
The Kayote Method is the bridge between science and spirituality that focuses on a holistic approach to unlocking your human potential.
My systems involve healing and self-liberation work through the use of quantum physics, neuroscience, psychology, neural programming, and internal family systems therapy. I see people’s highest potential, and then I teach them how to rewire their neural pathways so that they can continue to see consistent and reliable results long after we are done working together.
With full humility, after 12+ years of practice, I can say I'm the best in the world at what I do. If you work with me, your life will change.
I see radical transformations happen every single day. My work yields repeatable results you can count on.
So here’s my promise to you: you’re going to get your power back. You’re going to get to live a life that feels good because you deserve that. And you’ll get there 100X faster using my scientifically backed, proven method.
Life is a game and you're meant to play it and to win.
All of you is safe with me.
I’ve got the codes.




There's a reason my method works when others don't. It's because I teach manifestation from the perspective of the quantum: I help people retrain their operating systems for success, for happiness. I help them break the subconscious neural habits that hold them back and we make it fun. With me, your success is GUARANTEED if you do the work.

My Awaken framework will have you completely mind blown by what you could not see before. You will discover how your reality is created and how your human experience unfolds from a quantum, psych and neuroscientific perspective

I am an expert at healing trauma and this is the deepest work. In this stage, we use a combination of hypnotherapy, inner child work, and shadow work to undo patterns and systems that are blocking you and causing you pain.

This is where we integrate all of the work and you start to see your reality re-arrange all around you. This is the quantum manifestation component where your life finally gets to reflect your greatness.
You create your reality, baby. Who you be and what your life is, is your choice.
If you know the rules for the game of life, you can play it to win.
Take my hand and I’ll show you how.
If we can change our consciousness, we can change our lives.

Unlock the keys to your dream future
in 30 minutes
Get my "Manifest Your Dream Life Creation Experience" meditation now for FREE!